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Compact-des Rfid Module

ProxTech levert verschillende oplossingen voor RFID-toepassingen en toegangscontrolesystemen.

ProxTech offers various RFID and proximity solutions.

Our company’s strategy is very straightforward: We offer our customers all read-only and read/write systems, as well as a full range of transponders, all from one supplier.

ProxTech is one of the few companies offering solutions in MIFARE®, Legic®, I-code, Hitag™ 1,Hitag™ 2 and random pre-encoded technology ( EM4102 read-only ).

Located in the center of Europe (Belgium), we are able to supply on a wordwide basis.


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tags: Compacte Toegangscontrolesystemen – Ontwikkeling Identificatiesystemen – Rfid Lezers – Rfid Oplossingen – Specialist Rfid Lezers – 

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Compact-des rfid module

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Informatie over Compact-des rfid module

alsecours electronic security alarme incedie detection intrusion fourniture electronique alsecours realisation installation de tous systeme syteme d alarme pour vos batiments ainsi que les armoire electrique pour vos batiment maison service de fabrication cl s en main prototype fournitures achat de c ble et de connecteur Aandacht over compact-des rfid module Ordonnancement systeme equipement machine batiments hopitaux batiment privee ou public amp molex jst hirose jae stocko proner ghw assemblage electronique electromecanique. Serie conception realisation production industrialisation fabrication. Capteur industriel tableaux electrique armoire armoire electrique agree rgie conception syteme d alarme. Antivol detection intrusion controle d acces detection incendie coupole detection de fumee controle d acces sutem ups baterie bateire de secours alimentation stabilse complexe de secours ventes de pieces detachee resistances diodes transistor tresistor coffret sarel boitier pour mise en oevre fabrication et conception de circuit imprime ou double face trou metalise system de verin pour .